The story begins when Aksana first travelled to Madeira in August
2010. After discovering the magnificent beauty of the island,
Antonio brought the unsuspecting girlfriend to Queimadas, a
dense and luxurious ever green Laurel forest of the island, 900 m
above sea level. There, enveloped in a fine mist infused with the
essence of eucalyptus, over a wooden bridge above the gentle
endless flowing levada stream, Antonio proposed to Aksana. They
agreed to wed one year to the date. After choosing a unique Mona
Richie dress they discovered fortune had surprised and blessed
them with a child so instead of celebrating the wedding with a
pregnant belly, they chose to postpone until August 10, 2012.
Adriana Bernadete arrived in November 2011 however despite
the joy, preparations for the event continued. Aksana always
dreamt of wearing a star studded shoes on her wedding day. After
a worldwide search, a sparkling pair was located in England,
and, fortunately, some friends who were visiting London at the
time made her wish a reality. As the day approached, a whirlwind
of uncertainty overwhelmed the couple as decisions had to be
made, venue to be chosen, menu to be picked, photographer and
decorators to be selected. Within the final 7 days providence
enabled all to be accomplished. Early morning of the wedding
day Aksana was whisked to Marco’s salon for hair and makeup,
along with mom and sisters in law. In the meantime Antonio
picked up the bouquet of pearl white roses, got ready at his
brother’s residence and strutted about the house on his Vogue
style shoes as he patiently waited for the arrival of his bride.
Time simply vanished. Before anyone realized, Aksana arrived
at the house then all hands were on her to put the final details
in making the bride look simply stunning. Aksana’s parents,
who travelled from Belarus and the Czech Republic, arrived
at the residence carrying the icon signifying happy marriage
to perform the traditional ceremony of blessing the union of
the love birds before they were ushered to the first wedding
ceremony to be realized among the breath taking grounds of
the Botanical Gardens , thanks to a special authorization by
the Secretary of Tourism of the Island. In the midst of luscious
green grass, Ruben created a sanctuary, perfect for the blessed
civil ceremony graced by family and close friends, some coming
all the way from Canada for the occasion. Before they knew it,
in the hot afternoon sun, the newlywed couple was showered
with rose petals and rice as they walked the white carpeted the
tropical gardens palm tree grove. After a fun filled photo session
on other sections of the gardens the couple was chauffeured
in a convertible Peugeot 307, thanks to his brother Alfredo at
Leuimport da Madeira, to the reception, with a stop at The Vine
Hotel where they were spending the night. After another photo
session with Desenquadrado, they made their way to the 1634
Forte de Santiago. The newlyweds were greeted by their guest
on arrival at cultural heritage fortress which was magically
transformed by Rui Sousa into a special event of delectable
food and unforgettable décor. Cocktails were served in an open
air terrace overlooking the bay of Funchal. Guests taken via a
rarely seen inner passage within the fort, into a majestic sultan’s
tent decorated for royalty. Antonio and Aksana were escorted to
their place at the table of honour by torch bearing waiters and
to the sound of a classical quartet playing the unforgettable
theme from the Pirates of the Caribbean. Everyone was served
a scrumptious five course meal to remember, including a break
of palate cleared with a lemon sorbet served over cold smooth
pebbled beach rock. Before the delectable sweet table, a belly
dancing duo enchanted everyone with several dances. As the
time to cut the cake approached, guests were guided back onto
the open air terrace of the forte, transformed once more for a
night of entertainment. Aksana and Antonio were greeted with a
spectacular fireworks spectacle surrounding the wedding cake
table and celebrated the treasured moment with some vintage
Madeira wine. Shortly after the couple open the dance floor with
a memorable romantic Bachata to the delight of everyone who
joined into a dance party until the wee hours of the night. After
such an beloved evening the newlyweds woke up unusually early
and relived the wedding day over a scrumptious brunch at The
Vine Hotel. The following day, the couple and foreign visitors took
a spectacular ferry ride to the Island of Porto Santo where the
guests enjoyed a day at the beach after touring the cherished
island, while the newlyweds were busy with their glamorous
fashion trash the dress photoshoot. After such an unforgettable
day everyone sailed into the sunset, back to Madeira.
Publish at Calameo or read more publications.
João Santos
desenquadrado - multimédia
& comunicação, Lda.
A 5.ª edição da revista “Casar
na Madeira” chegou!!!
“Casar na Madeira” podese
orgulhar das atividades
desenvolvidas, ao longo destes
cinco anos, na categoria de
revista de Noivas.
No ano 2013, destacamos
o papel preponderante das
nossas imagens e artigos,
dos serviços/produtos na
realização de casamentos de
qualidade na ilha da Madeira.
Agradecemos a todos noivos
que tiveram “Casar na Madeira”
como ponto de referência nos
preparativos do seu matrimónio
na Madeira, constituindo uma
legítima oportunidade para os
noivos partilharem os mesmos
sonhos. Assim, 5.ª edição da
Casar na Madeira contínua a valorizar a criatividade e qualidade
dos serviços e produtos regionais, que urgem espontaneamente
neste projeto, com propostas cada vez mais requintadas. Com
o principal intuito de prestar os melhores serviços, atendendo
às necessidades dos nossos noivos, de modo a superar suas
expectativas, reunimos o que há de novidades e inovações no
mercado madeirense, tradição e cultura, com várias sugestões
para os leitores, exibindo uma leitura agradável, acompanhada de
magníficas ilustrações dos sublimes cenários urbanos e naturais
que temos para oferecer aos noivos que elegem a Madeira para
casar. Mesmo os noivos mais inusitados, encontram, ao folhear
as páginas da “Casar na Madeira”, várias propostas clamorosas,
ostentando soluções perfeitas, indispensáveis para transformar
os seus sonhos em realidade.
Muitos, serviços e produtos, inspiram-se nas nossas tradições,
com um valor inestimável para a promoção da Madeira como
destino ideal para realização de casamentos.
Sem dúvida, nestes últimos anos, confirmou-se um feedback
positivo nos vários sectores empresariais madeirenses,
vicissitude corroborada pelas empresas que investiram, na
publicidade na revista “Casar na Madeira”, aos quais estamos
agradecidos, só assim este projecto tem sido possível.
Por fim, não poderíamos de deixar de mencionar a capa com
a Lícinia Macedo e o vestido do estilista madeirense Hugo
Santos. Todas as novidades encontram-se no site http://www.
Perante o citado, não deixe de adquirir e/ou consultar a “Casar
na Madeira”, revista que se tornou a publicação indispensável
para os noivos, referenciando aos profissionais de qualidade da
região da Madeira, quando o assunto é casamento.
Votos de boa leitura!!!
The fifth (5ª) edition of the magazine “Casar na Madeira” is here!
The magazine “Casar na Madeira” can be proud of the activities
it developed during the past five years in the category of bridal
In the year 2013 we highlight the leading role of our images and
articles, of the
services/products in the realization of quality weddings in
We want to thank to all the couples that were in “Casar na
Madeira” as a reference point in the preparations of their
wedding in Madeira, constituting an opportunity for other couples
to share the same dreams.
This way the 5th edition of “Casar na Madeira” still values the
creativity and quality of the services and regional products that
appear spontaneously in this project with the finest proposals.
Are main goal is to pay the best services, attending the needs of
the couples that want to get married, we want to overcome their
expectations, gathering the innovations and news of the Island
market, the tradition and culture it has.
We give the readers suggestions, displaying a pleasant reading
with magnificent illustrations of the natural urban scenes we
have to offer the couples that choose this fantastic Island to get
married. Even for couples that like unusual ideas, we have the
perfect solutions, indispensable techniques to turn your dreams
into reality.
Lots of product and services are inspired by our traditions, with
precious value on the promotion of our Island as the perfect
destination for weddings.
Without any doubt these past years we have confirmed a positive
feedback from several business sectors that invested on this
project “Casar na Madeira” here in the Island, we want to thank
them, none of this was possible without their support.
Last but not least we want to thank Lícinia Macedo for being in
the cover of the magazine and Hugo Santos the stylist that made
the beautiful dress she is wearing.
All the news is in our Website:;
Purchase and consult the magazine that become an indispensable
production for all couples that want to get married, we have the
ideas and advices. We also mention the high quality professionals
we have here in the Island when it comes to weddings.
Enjoy your reading!
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